Home / Fertilizers / Mineral Fertilizers

About Product

PHOSTRAK ™ (5.36.7)




PHOSTRAK is a mineral fertilizer, but contains a highly concentrated mixture of mono- and dual-base sodium, potassium and ammonium phosphate ions. Phosphite ions play a biostimulating role and at the same time it is a way to minimize the risk of developing mildew-phytophthora diseases. Being a fertilizer, it fights against fungal diseases very well, improving the resistance of plants.


Has 2 mechanisms of action

• Contact - kills omicate spores.

• Has a systemic effect as a biostimulant, activating the plant's defense mechanisms.



Total nitrogen (N) ....................................... 5%

Phosphorus (P2O5)… ..................................36%

Potassium (K2O) ..........................................7%


Application rates:

Fertilizer consumption rate 2.5 l / ha, apply in the stage of development of fungal diseases, if necessary 2-3 times with intervals of 10-15 days.



Incompatible with copper-containing preparations.

Formulation: liquid